Well, if he couldn't have a rainbow quilt for himself, Mr. 8 was determined to make one for someone else. When he heard that his new 4 month old cousin was coming to visit, all the way from England, he seized the opportunity!
The Simply Color Layer Cake that I had in my stash was perfect. He sorted the colours almost completely on his own after I showed him a few examples of other rainbow quilts (okay, I admit that I am a bit of a control freak when it comes to fabric, so I did rearrange a couple of squares with his agreement!). Then he sewed the squares together into rows, and then the rows into a quilt top.
As this quilt is mainly going to be used for the new cousin to play on the floor, we wanted it to be nice and soft. So we followed Svetlana's tutorial for making what she calls a 'comforter'. In other words, baste the front to the batting and then sew, right sides together, to the backing. Then we quilted straight lines through the middle of the squares.
Mr. 8 chose this cute Miffy fabric for the back, which I bought locally a year ago and have been waiting for the right project.
Now it just remains for me to sew on the label and we are ready to gift it when our visitors arrive tomorrow!
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